333 S. San Vicente Blvd, Los Angeles CA 90048

Our mass schedules

Please review our online mass schedule during the Coronovirus pandemic.

Our Lady of Mt Lebanon

Our Lady of Mt. Lebanon now has over 900 registered families with Sunday attendance of over 300 families for Mass on Sundays. The Cathedral is working harder to reach out to all of its people and is positioning itself for future growth. The Community places its full trust on God asking for His blessing and mercy.

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Upcoming Events

Your Church, your community

Serving one another with love.

We welcome you to Our Lady of Mt Lebanon-st Peter Cathedral website. It is a place for connection, communication, and service. we look forward to working together and building and strengthening our Maronite Community and its circle of friends.

Your time, talent and treasures

Our church community is waiting for you with open hearts.

Just as a family cannot function without the help from all of its members, our parish family needs help from all its members in contributing of their time, talent and treasure. Returning a portion of one’s time, talent, and treasure back to God in gratitude for the gifts He has given us, allows us to renew our relationship with Jesus and His Church. Our parish community has adapted A Stewardship Way of Life. There are three phases of stewardship which are: Stewardship of Time, Stewardship of Talent, and Stewardship of Treasure. Living a Stewardship Way of Life, requires us to put Jesus Christ first in our lives and to live every aspect for the glory of Him. It requires us to give of our Time, Talent and Treasure. Only giving one or two aspects makes us incomplete. It is only in giving of our entire self that we come to realize the graciousness and mercy of God. What you are is God’s gift to you… what you become is your gift to God! We are a vibrant parish, where believers are actively living as Disciples of Christ and, as such, it is incumbent upon us to be generous in the giving of our time, talent and treasure for the glory of God and His Church.

Need Prayer? We Would Love To Pray For You.

We have a strong sense of community with parishioners.

I will thank the Lord because he is just; I will sing praise to the name of the Lord Most High.

Psalm 7:17

Office of Protection for Minors

The Eparchy’s Safe Environment Program is designed to prevent abuse of children and young people. The Safe Environment Program provides education, screening, and training to ensure safety for children, youth, families, and parishes of the Eparchy.

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We have a strong sense of community with parishioners.